Want Healthier Grass? Re-Mineralize Your Soil!

Skip fertilizing your grass this month and spread Azomite instead.  Standard grass fertilizer contains NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) but little trace minerals. Our soil’s trace minerals are depleted by the demands of our grass and constant irrigation.

It needs to be re-mineralized.  Adding compost works but takes several months to break down in the soil.  There is a natural product that almost immediately adds minerals back to the soil – Azomite.

 It is a natural product mined in Central Utah formed by a volcanic eruption 30 million years ago.  Crop producers have used Azomite for over 70 years to improve plant growth.  It contains over 70 minerals, is 100% natural and is listed for use in certified organic production by the OMRI.

Benefits from Azomite use are:

  1. more, bigger and better-tasting fruits and vegetables,

  2. increased pest / disease resistance,

  3. improved drought resistance,

  4. improved lawn performance.

It’s easy to apply – spread it like fertilizer on your lawn, you can toss it by hand onto flower beds or mix it into the soil around flowers, vegetables, landscape plants, and more.  It can be used alone or mixed with fertilizer.  It won’t burn your plants – even if you use too much, and it’s odorless.

Using Azomite will decrease the amount of fertilizer you will apply during the year to your lawn and plants.  Apply now to immediately re-mineralize your soil so your grass can begin to absorb those micronutrients they’ve been missing.  It is available in an easy to apply granular form in 10 lb and 40 lb bags.

Danny used this on his lawn and his grass was noticeably improved. Greener, fewer weeds, no bare spots, no fungus – he’s a believer.

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