Are You Planting Shrubs Too Close Together?
It’s easy to do – planting small plants too close together. It’s hard to believe that 12” plant will be 4-5’ tall and wide within a few years. You might try pruning to maintain them for a while, but that gets really tiring and the plant doesn’t look right when it isn’t allowed to grow to its preferred size.

We all want instant gratification so here’s some tips on how to create a fuller looking landscape while waiting on your shrubs to reach maturity:
Plant small annual flowers in groupings of 3s to fill gaps between your shrubs and edge of the bed. This will also add a pop of color to your landscape.
Plant small annual flowers in front of your shrubs to form a colorful border.
Use liriope as accent plants – either as a border or in groupings.
Plant larger annuals (coleus, penta, dusty miller) which can grow to 1’ tall and wide in the bed to take up empty space.
Mulch your bed, besides helping retain moisture and block out weeds it gives the bed a finished look.

When setting out your plants in your flowerbed read the plant tag and plan on the plant reaching the largest size. We have a long growing season and most plants will reach their full maturity size in our area.
Choose plants that will not require frequent pruning to “fit” into your space. There are so many different species of plants in all textures and sizes to choose from. Make sure and ask questions when choosing your plants.
A word of caution – the plant tag gives general information about the plant. The same tag is used nationally and the plant can perform differently depending upon the climate of the area. Not all plants like our Texas summer heat but this will not be listed on the plant tag. Again, ask questions if you are unsure if a plant is right for a specific area.
To summarize – make sure to measure when planting your shrubs and plan for their growth. Use the tips to make the bed look fuller until the shrubs mature. Ask questions and ask for help when making your plant choices. Follow these steps and you will have a beautiful landscape you can enjoy for years to come.