When To Apply Drench On Crape Myrtles



Many of you are asking when to apply drench on crape myrtles to prevent crape myrtle scale on the trees. It’s best to wait another 2-3 weeks before drenching. To ensure proper coverage the tree needs to be leafed out but not blooming.


For those of you wondering what crape myrtle scale is, it’s a bug called Scale that attaches itself to the limbs and trunks of crape myrtle trees. It’s honeydew (bug poop) sticks to the branches and trunks turning them black from a build-up of black sooty mold.


Crape Myrtle covered in Scale Bugs and Black Sooty Mold


Crape Myrtle covered in Black Sooty Mold


Thankfully, there is a simple and easy remedy for this “sticky” situation. An annual treatment of Tree and Shrub drench prevents Scale from harming your tree. Mix the concentrate into a bucket of water and pour around the base of the tree. No spraying is necessary, just mix and pour.


Bonide® Tree & Shrub Insect Drench


Mark your calendars to treat in April after your tree has leafed out but not blooming. Spraying before blooming begins helps protect our pollinators stay healthy.


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