What Is A Proven Winners® Plant?
It’s hard to miss the distinctive white pots and trays of Proven Winner plants in a nursery. Sure, they are pretty plants, but what sets them apart from other annuals?
• Proven Winners are grown from vegetative cuttings, not seeds.

• They have a larger root system which makes for a stronger plant and helps them perform better.
• Most Proven Winners are sterile, meaning they do not form seeds. This enables the plants to focus energy on creating more blooms instead of seeds and why they bloom so strongly.

• Deadheading is not necessary to promote more blooms like other annuals since flowers are not setting seeds.
• Prospective new plants are trialed in several locations world-wide for 3-5 years and the results reviewed extensively prior to earning Proven Winner status.
Proven Winners goal is to make the gardener successful by offering unique, well performing plants. We stock Proven Winner shrubs, perennials and annuals. Our number 1 selling plant year after year is Supertunia Vista Bubblegum.