Want Hummingbirds?


As spring turns to summer many plants hummingbirds fed on during spring are no longer blooming. Other warmer season plants take their place but these little birds will flock to your feeder(s) if properly maintained.

Follow these simple tips to keep them buzzing all summer long:


• Place the feeder in a shady spot if possible. This will enable the hummingbird to fill up on nectar without venturing into direct sunlight once it heats up.

• If you mix your own nectar, then make sure to mix 1 part sugar to 5 parts water in hotter weather. This will help give them the proper nutrients but also help increase their overall hydration. (regular nectar mix is 1 part sugar to 4 parts water)

• Provide them a water source – bird bath, saucer of water, fountain

• Make sure if the temp is over 90 degrees you change out your nectar DAILY. You can cause the death of hummingbirds by offering them fermented or tainted nectar. (This is also why some people do not see hummingbird action at their feeders)

• If you are concerned about wasting your sugar mixture by emptying it daily, then don’t fill the feeder up, put a smaller amount in it until you see how much the birds use daily.

The number of hummingbirds visiting your feeder will quickly increase once “word” gets out it’s there. Here’s to a hummingbird filled summer, enjoy!

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