The Look List


We welcome requests from customers to find plants that we don’t have in stock. 

I keep a “look list” that I look at when placing orders with our plant vendors.  If I find a plant someone has requested, I contact that individual to see if they want me to order it.  If so, I’ll request a deposit and add the plant to the order and let them know when it arrives.  I enjoy hearing how excited some people are when I find what they’ve been looking for.

I can’t find everything requested, there are just too many plant species in the world.  We purchase plants from several growers in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida on a regular basis.  After they sell through their mature crop, they wait on the younger crop to grow large enough to sell.  It takes time (weeks or months) for a plant to grow – I wish it was like baking bread that’s ready in a few hours, but it’s not.   

The vendors have requirements that we must meet for the minimum dollar amount of the order and the minimum number of each plant we must order.  For that reason, we aren’t able to purchase 1-4 plants, it is usually in multiples of 5 or 10 that they require us to buy.

I wish I could find and order every plant I receive a request on, but I can’t.  I don’t want to discourage anyone from making a request for a plant.  My goal is to help explain why we can’t fulfill each request we receive.  

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