Picking The Perfect Pot For Drainage


When choosing the “perfect” pot, our focus is on size, color and shape but don’t forget to look for a drainage hole also. It is important to allow excess water to drain from your pot after watering your plant. If your dream pot doesn’t have a drainage hole, don’t despair, you can fix that too.


Without proper drainage the soil stays too wet, which causes the roots to become unhealthy and rot which will kill your plant. Proper drainage is a serious thing!


If there are no drainage holes, the best solution is to create them. You can do so by drilling a hole in the bottom of your pot. The trick is to pour water over the surface while drilling to keep it cool and prevent the pot from cracking. There are several short YouTube videos that will show you how.


Here’s something most people forget – elevate your pot above the surface where it sits with “pot toes” or something similar. If there is not enough space between the bottom of the pot and the surface it’s sitting on, then the drain hole is blocked and won’t drain properly.



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