Man’s Best Friend: In The Backyard

Tips & Tricks for a Dog-Friendly Yard


Landscaping while keeping your furry-friend in mind, isn’t, and shouldn’t be hard! It’s easy once you decide what your little friend’s needs might be, i.e. room for running, a place for digging, a shady spot to sit in, etc. rs=w_400,cg_true


Some of the BEST features to include for your four-legged friend are soft foliage plants and smooth landscape stones. A place for them to drink, such as a water station, is a fantastic addition too.


    • Pick materials that are paw-pad friendly. Anything spiny, prickly, or sharp you might want to skip out on in your landscape. Use mulch, and designate safe-spaces for your dog to play in. We can help you pick out a mulch that fits your needs!


    • Do you have an ever-digging doggie? Try landscape gravel instead of mulch as your top-dress for your beds — it makes for a great deterrent!


    • Get rid of any potential hazards. Having a completely paved backyard area may make it uncomfortable for your animal’s paws during the summer months. Check fences for holes or weak areas.


    • Create an easy way to access water. A healthy dog drinks about a half to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day — so a 50 lb dog will need 5 cups (or more!) of water daily (depending on how active they are). A water element such as a pond or waterfall can do the trick, or just make sure there’s a water bowl that’s always filled.


    • Designate a shady spot for cooling off. In Texas, the hot summer months can make for an uncomfortable doggy if they’re spending most of their time outside — make sure there’s a nice, shady spot under a tree or bush. Installing a doggy door or just putting up an old-fashioned dog house in the shade are great for your friend Fido, too. A plastic wading pool is also a great thing to have for your friend to cool off in!


    • Make sure they’re warm for the colder months! Rain and cold weather call for a heated space — a small heater is a great solution for easy warmth. Thick, cotton blankets are another great addition to Fido’s doghouse so they can cuddle up when it’s chilly out.


Contact us for more solutions! 903-753-2223 OR — 7 days a week!



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