Landscape Elements: Using Non-Plant Materials

In this article we’re going to focus on how to use non-plant material in your landscape.  This gives you a way of personalizing your landscape and can be done in a big way with one major piece, or several smaller items or a combination of things throughout your yard.


Here’s a sample of ideas:

1. Natural elements –
large rocks, different size rocks grouped together, a ribbon of gravel running through the bed, decorative logs, flagstone steps, drift wood, or anything seen in nature.

2. Water feature –
a large or small fountain, disappearing fountain, bird bath, waterfall, small pond.

3. Pottery –
Use pots within the landscape bed, not just on the patio or porch. Place a group of colored pots in the bed and plant them with a mixture of plants. The pottery color adds year round color in your beds.

4. Furniture –
a bench, chairs used as functional seating or plant in chests of drawers, iron beds or antique bathtubs to create one of a kind focal point.

5. Trellis or Arbors –
liven up a ho-hum wall of your house by installing a trellis or an arbor with plants growing on it.

6. Junktiques –
galvanized tubs, wheelbarrows, bicycle, tricycle, wagon wash tubs, etc. can all be used to plant a tapestry garden full of plants.

6. Garden art-
garden stakes (whimsical and decorative), kinetic spinner Stakes, sculptures.

6. Birdbaths or Fountains as planters-
turn a cracked or non-working fountain or birdbath into a beautiful planter.

These are just a few ideas of items to use. Place them in a prominent spot or in an unexpected place and put your personal touch on your landscape. Just choose what you like. I’ve seen some crazy things in landscapes – even a toilet used as a planter! As I’ve said before, you are limited only by your imagination.

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