Hanging Baskets For Hummers

Our newly-stocked Salvia hanging baskets – available in the greenhouse now!

We all enjoy seeing hummingbirds at feeders outside our windows, but cleaning and filling the feeders can be a chore. Here’s how to attract them without all that work.

Plant some of the hummers favorite flowering plants in hanging baskets and let them feast on the nectar from the blooms. Make sure to hang them where the plants get 4-5 hours of sun per day to keep them blooming well.

Here’s a list of flowering plants still available that are hummingbird magnets:

1. Salvia
Any type, they love them all!

2. Pentas
Colorful blooms that last until the first freeze!

3. Zinnias
Come in Yellow, Orange, Red, and Pink Colors

4. Mandevilla/Dipladenia
Tropical, brightly colored blooms

5. Supertunias
A wide variety of colorful blooms

6. Bee Balm (Monarda)
Bright blooms throughout the summer.

7. Lantana
Lots of colorful flowers

8. Agastache (Hummingbird Mint)
Spikes of flowers that bloom all summer

9. Firebush
Bright, orange, tubular-shaped flowers

10. Butterfly Weed
A twofer – attract hummingbirds and butterflies!

Our inventory changes quickly, some items listed may be temporarily out of stock. Give us a call for updated inventory information. 📞Call Now