East Texas Based Fertilizers

We expanded our fertilizer options this year by adding more Carl Pool Products.  They are a division of Vital Earth Resources located in Gladewater and Big Sandy.  They have supplied us with bulk and bagged soils and mulch since we opened the store 18 years ago.

Carl Pool has been around since 1945 and offers several types of plant food – organic, water soluble and granular fertilizer. Besides high-quality nutrients their plant food contains more trace elements than other plant food lines resulting in faster growing, healthier plants.

Here’s some of our favorites:

BR-61:  The original bloom booster, (9-58-8).  With that high phosphorus (P) number your plant can’t help but bloom!  It should be used at the time of planting and throughout the entire growing season.  It is a water soluble fertilizer and the nutrients are absorbed through the roots and leaves of the plant.

Fortified 20-20-20:  This general purpose water soluble fertilizer contains the highest amounts of important micronutrients in chelated form which means it is absorbed faster by your plants. You are feeding your plant a well balanced N-P-K along with micronutrients.  You can apply this product with any no-clog hose-end feeder.  It is absorbed through the roots and leaves of the plant.

Colorscapes 10-13-6: This is the ultimate color bed fertilizer.  With Ureaform (designed to release nitrogen slowly) , Blood Meal and Bone Meal, it is a fast acting and long lasting slow release fertilizer.  It is a granular fertilizer and is perfect for containers, baskets or in beds for annual seasonal color.

Controlled Release Plant Food 13-13-13: This all-purpose granular plant food last 3-4 months and costs less than other slow release fertilizers and contains several trace elements.  The slow release ensures steady growth of your plants.

We like doing business with local East Texas businesses and will be adding more of their products in the months to come.

Our inventory changes quickly, some items listed may be temporarily out of stock. Give us a call for updated inventory information. 📞Call Now