Danny’s Do’s & Don’ts: Sago Palms

Did your sago fronds turn to a straw color in the cold weather? Here’s what you need to know:
• Trim the fronds back to the trunk so new ones have room to grow
• Watch for new fronds to grow from the center of the crown once we warm up
• Beware of the sharp barbs that protrude from the trunk, they are sometimes hard to see
• Use a long lopper to trim instead of a hand trimmer so you are protected from the barbs

• Think the fronds will turn back to green, they won’t
• Worry – the fronds are dead but probably not the trunk
• Be impatient, it may be April or even May before you see new fronds emerge from the Crown (the center)
• Forget, the night temps need to be consistently in the 70’s for new fronds to develop