Danny’s Do’s & Don’ts: How To Bring Your Houseplants Inside After Summer Vacay

• move them once nighttime lows reach 50 degrees
• use your “go to” insect spray and treat the plant before moving it in, and re-apply within 7-14 days to kill any freshly hatched eggs
• find a spot with enough light for the plant
• use grow lights if necessary
• fertilize with a slow release, gentle fertilizer
• wait until the last minute to move them indoors. You’re bringing in everything living on the plant or in the pot (spiders, lizards, and other creepy crawlers)
• place your plants in a cold drafty spot
• leave water standing in overflow saucers since this is not healthy for your plant
• overwater, they will not require as much water as they did outdoors
• let the dryer air inside affect your plants, spraying or misting plants can help increase the humidity level