Bursting With Buds: Hardy Hibiscus

Hardy Hibiscus are one of my favorite perennials. They get your attention in a container or planted in the garden. With bright 8 to 12 inch blooms they cannot be overlooked. Bloom time starts in June and continues into Fall.

They require sun to bloom but appreciate afternoon shade in our Texas heat. Be prepared to water them daily – they are heavy drinkers. If they become wilted, they quickly bounce back after a good watering.

Winter care is easy too – after the first freeze the plant will die back, prune the plant to the ground and cover it with some mulch. They “wake up” later than most perennials in the spring, so don’t give up on them coming back. Once they break dormancy, they grow very quickly. They send up additional canes throughout the growing season adding width to the plant along with many more flowers.

The compact varieties are good for planting in the ground or in containers, giving you more options on where to add this “must have” perennial in your garden.

There are so many varieties available it’s difficult to choose a favorite.

Luna Collection
They grow up to 3’ tall and are covered with 6-8 inch blooms in red, pink, white with a red center or pink swirl.


Head Over Heels® Series
These compact plants grow quickly to 3-4 feet tall and wide with burgundy foliage that contrasts with it’s brightly colored 10 inch flowers.

headover heels

Proven Winners® Collection


French Vanilla® Hardy Hibiscus will be almost 4 feet tall and wide.  Blooms are custard yellow with a striking red center.


Spinderella® Hardy Hibiscus can reach 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide.  The pink and white pinwheel colored blooms are a favorite.

They will die back each winter and return in late spring the following year.  Cut the canes back after the first hard freeze and cover with a layer of mulch to help protect the root-ball from the cold. They are slow to appear after winter and need warm soil and air temperatures to start sending up canes.  Once started, they grow quickly, both up and out.  Cold winters don’t seem to bother them, ours came back after Snowmageddon and last year’s December freeze.

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