Pruning Roses: Tips & Tricks

Pruning rose bushes doesn’t have to be difficult! Follow these simple steps to make pruning easier with these tips and tricks!


Main Tips for Pruning Floribunda and Hybrid Tea Roses


  • Always prune dead wood back to healthy tissue. You will recognize the living tissue by its green bark and white pith core.


  • Remove all growth on the main canes that are not capable of sustaining a reasonably thick stem on its own.
  • Remove all suckers—growths from the root structure that sprout from below the bud union—remove them as close to the main root cane as possible.
  • Remove woody old canes; prune branches back flush to the larger limb they’re growing from – don’t leave stubs.
  • Make your pruning cuts at a 45-degree angle.

  • Choose an eye on the outside of the cane and slope the cut down and away on the opposite side.


  • After you have completed pruning your rose bush, remove any remaining foliage from the canes and clean up debris from around the bush. Discard all foliage (do not use it in the compost heap).


Main Tips for Pruning Shrub Roses like Knock-Out and Earth-kind Roses


  • Shrub Roses aren’t nearly as PICKY as traditional roses. You can cut them pretty much anywhere and they’ll still be happy!


  • For BEST results, cut shrub roses at knee height in a round-fashion. This will help them keep their shrub-like shape.

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