7 Heat-Loving Perennials


Comes in a variety of colors and shapes. The old favorite is a spreading plant growing 3-5 feet wide and 3’ tall. Newer varieties are more compact and bush shaped, but can be a tender perennial and not come back the following year if we have a harsh winter. Great for pollinators and in multiple colors – yellow, gold, orange, pink, white, purple and multi-colors that change as the flower matures.


Salvia Greggii

Also known as Autumn sage. Available in multiple colors and is covered with blooms from spring to autumn. A myriad of colors – red, purple, white, bi-color red or pink, coral. Grows into a small bush and is usually evergreen through the winter. Trim back when it gets too large and it will flush out with new flowers shortly thereafter during the blooming season.

Salvia Greggii


Known for their bright, colorful blooms with multiple flowers on each plant throughout the summer.  Different varieties grow from 2 to 5 feet tall and 18” -2 feet wide and are vey heat and drought resistant once established.  They attract birds and pollinators and come in pink, yellow, red, orange, purple with single and double blooms.  Plant in full sun in well-draining soil and water regularly letting the soil dry out in between.

Coneflower (2)

Russian Sage

All blueish/purple flower spikes bloom throughout the summer on this vigorous heat-loving plant.  Use as an accent plant or in clusters where it’s gray-green foliage color adds interest to your landscape.  Likes full sun and well-drained soil.

Russian Sage

Canna Lily

Plant dwarf varieties in pots by themselves (to keep from spreading) or as a thriller in a mixed flower container.  They bloom throughout the summer and add a great splash of color and a tropical look.  Available in both green leaf or bronze leaf varieties with blooms of yellow, pink, orange or red.

Canna Lily


A favorite of hummingbirds and pollinators, the orange trumpet shaped flowers bloom throughout the summer until the first frost.  A true heat lover that performs well in full sun and will come back year after year and get better and better.



(Agastache) Flower spikes of different colors (rose, yellow, orange, blue) bloom from summer through fall.  A pollinator, hummingbird, butterfly favorite that is versatile enough to be used in rock gardens, flower beds or containers.  Hyssop likes full sun and well-drained soil and is disease resistant – an all-around great performing plant.


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