How Do I Get Rid Of Bagworms?
Bagworms live in many types of trees; Cypress, Pines, Junipers, Arborvitaes – 128 species total. The bags look like Camo Christmas tree ornaments. During May and June, the caterpillars emerge from the bag and begin feeding on the host tree. Plants can be partially defoliated and weakened by allowing them to go unchecked. If you have conifers check them for the bags since they are hatching now and actively feeding.
Two methods of control are:
1) Spray an ingestible insecticide such as Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) or Spinosad on the plant in late May or June while the worms are feeding.
2) Some prefer to remove the cocoon(s) and burn or drown the caterpillars and resort to spraying only when the infestation is too heavy. The bags can be cut by hand or removed with high-powered water.
By July or August it’s difficult to kill them by spraying insecticide because their cocoons are stronger. It is then necessary to remove the cocoon and destroy it, making sure to kill all caterpillars inside.